The power transformer nameplate will display the model specification. Generally the information available is as follows:
i) KVA rating-This will determine the capacity of the transformer, e.g 300 kVA, 750 kVA, 1000 kVA, etc.
ii)Rated Voltage-The voltage between line terminals at high voltage side e.g. 11 kV, 33 kV or low voltage side e.g. 0.415 kV.
iii)Rated Current-The current flowing through a line terminal of a winding, derived by dividing the rated power of the winding and by an appropriate phase factor.
iv) Frequency-50 Hz or 60 Hz
v) Phase-Three phase system or single-phase system
vi) Windings-Delta connected or Star connected windings
vii) Type of cooling-Method of cooling either naturally, force or both, e.g ONAN, ONAF, OFAF
viii) Impedance volt (%)-The difference between the rated voltage of a winding and the voltage developed at a specified load and power factor, the voltage supplied to the other winding (sec.) being at its rated value.
ix) Vector group- Dy 1 or Dy 11
x) Core and winding weight- In kg or metric ton
xi) Oil weight- In kg.
xii) Oil capacity- In liters or gallons
xiii) Max temperature rise- The difference between the temperature of part under consideration and the temperature of cooling air.
xiv) Tap changer- 5 taps or more
Henry Ford Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.
Untuk memastikan connection winding transformer HV/LV adalah betul pengujian vector group dilakukan..dengan itu dapat melakar satu garisan bentuk penyambungan winding TX..